Lukasz Risso

MayDay Rooms, UK

Lukasz Risso is a member of the MayDay Rooms collective – an archive dedicated to the history of social struggles, resistance campaigns and experimental culture. The main work of MayDay Rooms consists in connecting historical materials with contemporary political struggles through collaborative education, informal research, digitisation and free distribution. In the framework of the SpaceX programme, he collaborated with URBANER – Culture Urbane Emilia-Romagna, AFOr- Archivio delle Fonti Orali, Collettivo Amigdala, Istituto Storico di Modena, AISO – Associazione Italiana di Storia Orale and Nationhood collective on a project around (sub) cultures and their connection with processes of neoliberal urbanisation.

Secondment destination
University of Modena, Reggio Emilia, 03/07/2023 to 14/07/2023

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