Prague City Gallery
Martin Netočný, MA, is a curator of the Sculpture collection in Prague City Gallery and graduate of the Department of Photography, FAMU, Prague. His works of art have been featured in more than a dozen group exhibitions and several independent ones. He has collaborated on a number of collective projects researching the politics and aesthetics of public space (e.g. long-term mapping of Cultural centers presented on many exhibitions and one recently completed publication, guided tours focused on the post-mining landscape problematic, or activities subversing the strategies of urban developers). He curated several exhibitions framed by the phenomenology of post-industrial landscape approaches and possibilities of post-humanistic mean making. He regularly publishes art reviews and other texts on art. In his practice he intertwines social anthropology, visual culture theory and artistic research strategies. He is also currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Social Studies of the Masaryk University in Brno.