NTUA School of Architecture, Greece
I am a PhD candidate of the NTUA School of Architecture. After graduating my studies in Architecture, I completed in 2020 my postgraduate studies in the interdepartmental programme “Architectural Design- Space- Culture ” of NTUA, in the direction “Cognition of Architecture”. Since 2021, I am working on my doctoral thesis in the Department III of Architecture of NTUA, entitled “Locality Exercises: Representations of the centre of Athens as a field of spatial justice claims”. My research interests focus on the experience and representation of everyday urban life, urban tourism and touristification, city movements, housing, habitaion practices and spatial justice. The relation with the Space-X project comes through the year-long collaboration with Stavros Stavrides and Penny Koutrolikou in the research project “JUST: Redefining spatial justice in Athens as a city in crisis: Confrontations for Urban Commons”.
Secondment destination