José Neves

University of Northampton, UK

José Neves is Lecturer in Photography at the universities of Northampton and Ulster in the United Kingdom. He holds an MA in the History of Photography from De Montfort University and a PhD from University of Ulster, where he conducted extensive academic research on the history and historiography of photographic books. From 2012 to 2017, he created and curated the Irish Photobook project, which resulted in a collection of photography books now housed in the University of Ulster’s special collections. José began his curatorial career at the Wilson Center for Photography in London in 2010 and has since curated various photobook exhibitions in collaboration with Photobook Week Aarhus Festival in Denmark.

He frequently attends conferences and festivals where he presents his research on photography and photobooks. He has also contributed articles on these topics to various specialized academic and non-academic publications. His current research focuses on the general history of the photography book and artist’s book, Portuguese photobook history and the relationship between the HIV-AIDS epidemic and photographically illustrated publications.

Secondment destination
A Reserva na Fábrica, Lisbon, Portugal

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