School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Penny Koutrolikou is an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, NTUA. Her research interests include: urban conflicts and inter-group relations; Urban geopolitics of migration and development; Theories of crises, power and hegemony; socio-spatial justice and legal geographies; Representations and discourse analysis. She is/has been involved in research projects concerning the spatial justice, housing, legal geographies and crises. Her more recent published work include (In)visibilities and “disappearences” from public space (forthcoming 2023), “Constructing European “Souths” through Crises” (South Atlantic Quarterly 122.2, 2023), “Embodied geopolitics: Negotiating belonging from Turkey to Athens” (Political Geography 102, 2023, with Vlastou, F., Karimali E., Avramopoulou, E.), “Instrumentalization of Migration: the geopolitics of migration in EU / Turkey borderlands” (2022, with P. Teunissen), “Reflections on public, private and ‘in-between’ places and living together” (The Journal of Public Space).
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