Stroom Den Haag, the Netherlands
Vincent de Boer is a senior advisor of art in public space. Graduated at the sculpture department from the Rietveld academy, he curated the first public space group exhibition EXHANGE/MOSCOW 1993. Working as a free lance curator for Sonsbeek (2001), SKOR (foundation for art in public space), Cultural Embassy Lloyd Hotel and various artist as Tadashi Kawamata, Lily vd Stokker, Maria Roosen, Suchan Kinoshita and Ram Katzir. Since 2009 working for Stroom Den Haag as an advisor art in public space, advising the municipality with the public sculpture collection, De Beeldengalerij (The Sculpture Gallery), art commissions for schools, ‘Scaffold’ by Sam Durant, ‘Resetting’ by Toby Paterson and recently involved with the forthcoming monument to commemorate Slavery in The Hague. He also curated two exhibitions at Stroom ‘A matter of Time, Thom Puckey and the Thorbecke monument’ and photography group exhibition ‘Capturing Corona’.
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