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Kevin Denny

School of Economics

Kevin Denny is an Associate Professor in the School of Economics, UCD of which he is also the head.  He is also a fellow of the UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy. He studied Economics in University College Dublin (1980-1984) and Nuffield College, Oxford (1984-86, 1987-1989). He had research posts in Oxford University 1986-87 and the Institute for Fiscal Studies, London (1989-1992). He took up a position in UCD in 1992.  His research interests are in applied microeconomics, particularly education and labour markets. He has also published in health, political science, psychology and health journals.

Secondment destination:

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Paul O’ Neill

ADAPT Centre, University College Dublin, Ireland

Paul O’ Neill is an artist-researcher currently based in Dublin, Ireland.

His practice and research are concerned with the implications of our collective dependency on networked technologies, infrastructures and spaces. He has exhibited and presented his work at various cultural institutions and events including Science Gallery (Dublin), Ars Electronica festival (Linz) and Inspace (Edinburgh) and his writing has featured in publications from the Institute of Network Cultures (Amsterdam) and ANNEX – Ireland’s representative at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale.

Paul is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the ADAPT Centre for AI-Driven Content Technology, University College Dublin.

Secondment destination:

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Dion Ellis-Taylor

Coventry Biennial

I am an artist, experienced tutor and researcher starting a 4-year AHRC-funded PhD in Cultural Policy at the University of Warwick in collaboration with Coventry Biennial. The research project is entitled Beyond Evaluation: Legacy and the Cultural Ecosystem – post City of Culture. The project explores notions of culture, city, citizens, policy, contemporary visual arts, Coventry, influencing factors, infrastructures, modes of evaluation, people, and legacy. This research project addresses legacy in the widest sense, pressing into questions surrounding future-oriented plans emerging from the UK City of Culture 2021.  

With a Masters in Interactive Media and Cultural Theory (Goldsmiths, University of London), and BA(Hons) Fine Art, I have over 25 years’ experience in the Arts and Creative Industries. As Digital Artist exploring socio-political issues, creating public-facing, engaging experiences using video, interactive media, text, sound, objects and installation, I have received awards, bursaries, residencies and site-specific public commissions. Passionate about contemporary arts, culture and collaboration, in 1996 I co-founded a publicly funded arts organisation working with video, archives and collections, building partnerships across sectors, and managing and co-producing a series of residencies across the South East.  I am interested in Helsinki Biennial for many reasons, not least its “desire to be a pioneer in sustainability matters in the field of art” (Impact Study of the Helsinki Biennial 2021, p.47). 

Secondment destination:
University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland, June / July 2023

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K Yoland

Royal College of Art, UK

K. Yoland is a transdisciplinary artist and practice-based PhD student.
Current research explores site-specific art interventions as modes of
resistance to territoriality and future forms of colonisation.

Recent work has focused on the Southwest deserts of the United States,
visiting sites of military training, interplanetary observation, surveillance and
data farms in these regions. Navigating state and corporate geographies,
Yoland’s installations and performative actions reveal and test the existing
spatial controls and search for opportunities for free movement inside these
systems. Working on private and public land, Yoland’s working methods
instigate encounters between systems of control and instances of spatial
complexity in which empathy might emerge. Research is influenced by
fictioning, absurdity, spatial theory, radical ecology, critical race studies, and
contemporary readings of hospitality across public space.

Incorporating installation with live-performance, video, photography, objectmaking
and text, Yoland has worked with both trained professionals and
volunteers (including soldiers, border patrol and oil riggers). Yoland has also
lectured in socio-politically engaged art practice and expanded cinema (US/
UK/French universities). Supporting free education and open dialogue,
Yoland produced/hosted Constructive Forces (Resonance FM London) and
Talk at Ten (NPR affiliated Marfa Public Radio, West Texas), interviewing
artists, politicians, activists, and scientists.

Secondment Destination
Berlin – September 2023

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Francesco Chiaravalloti, Dr.

University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Dr Francesco Chiaravalloti is Tenured Assistant Professor of Cultural Policy and Management, Director of the Bachelor Programme in Cultural Studies (BA Cultuurwetenschappen), and Co-Chair of the research group Artistic Knowing: Research in and on Art and Cultural Practices.

The focus of Dr Chiaravalloti’s work is on the enhancement of the appreciation of arts, culture, and creativity by individuals, organizations, and communities. He pursues this long-term objective by conducting systematic interdisciplinary research on consumer behavior in the arts, on the relation between artistic, administrative and technical rationalities in arts organizations, and on accountability relationships and performance evaluation in the cultural sector. His approach acknowledges and respects the differences between research traditions and methods and is based, according to a new pragmatic agenda, on the conviction that synergy between them can lead to new insights into the challenges we face in contemporary society. Among his recent research projects, Dr Chiaravalloti has been coordinator and principal investigator of the NWO (The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) funded project ‘In Dialogue with Users: The Relevance of Opera for Society’, aiming at gaining a first understanding of the (non-)value of opera for specific non-audience target-groups. He is coordinator of a AFK-funded audience research project at Summer Dance Forever – International Hip Hop Dance Festival, and evaluator of the Creative Europe-funded project Opera Vision Next Generation. With his publications in arts policy and management journals, Dr Chiaravalloti is an authoritative voice in the field of performance evaluation in the arts.

Secondment Destination:
Coventry Biennial, Coventry, UK: July and October 2023

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Paul Jackson

University of Northampton, UK

Paul Jackson is Professor in the History of Radicalism and Extremism at the University of Northampton who specializes in the history and contemporary dynamics of fascism and the extreme right. He is the curator of the Searchlight Archive at the university, which is one of the UK’s largest collections of material related to the recent history of extreme right groups. He has engaged widely with the media, including national and international press, as well as for BBC radio and television, and he has written articles for the Guardian and the Huffington Post. He has engaged widely with policymakers, professionals and activists, including creating bespoke training packages related to risks posed by the extreme right.

Secondment destination:
Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic, 2023

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Federico Farini, Prof.

University of Northampton, UK

Prof Farini academic background is rooted in Social Sciences, with a PhD in Sociology of Intercultural Communication, a MA in Social Anthropology and a second MA in Social History. He leads the Centre for Psychology and Sociological Sciences at  the University of Northampton. He is currently supporting as expert UNESCO, the European Commission, the Indian Government and the Italian Government. Prof Farini takes pride in the commitment to positive impact on communities that characterises his research and teaching. Since 2003, he has been researching and developing training opportunities within projects supported by European and national Agencies, regional and Local Authorities. Prof Farini’s research concerns the inclusion of migrant children and young people in education, youth subcultures and cultural studies, migrant-friendly services, conflict management, intercultural education and the transformation of urban spaces in places of democratic participation, for example working  with the London Borough of Waltham Forest to develop Leyton Jubilee Park as a meeting place for a multicultural community.

Secondment destination:
Florence, Festical dei Popoli (Italy)

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Popi Iacovou

University of Cyprus

Popi Iacovou, Lecturer at the University of Cyprus, is an architect, filmmaker and academic investigating transdisciplinary models of thinking and practicing architecture. Her research explores the intersections between architecture, performance and the moving image. Her methodology focuses on filming as a spatial practice for the study and interpretation of cultural and socio-political architectural and urban phenomena. Recent on-going research focuses on creative practices of archiving with a focus on reconstructing the multiple life cycles of buildings challenging dominant histories. Her work has been shown in film festivals and architecture exhibition venues such as the Melbourne Design Week, Copenhagen Architecture Festival, the 16th Venice Architecture Biennale, Hong Kong and Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, Byzantine Museum of Athens, the International Thessaloniki Film Festival and others. She has curated a number of architecture exhibitions for the London Festival of Architecture, The Gopher Hole (London) and the State Gallery of Contemporary Art – SPEL, Nicosia, Cyprus.

ΝΝ Contemporary Art Northampton, 2023

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Charis Nika

Charis Nika is an architect and researcher with an interest in the social, political and experiential aspects of architecture and urbanism. She is currently working on her PhD in the Department of Architecture at the University of Cyprus. Her research explores practices through which one can know and imagine the city and how such practices relate to questions of justice in the urban environment. Charis has completed postgraduate studies at TU Delft and undergraduate studies at Cardiff University. She has worked in architectural practices in Rotterdam, London and Cardiff. Her independent work has been presented in a number of exhibitions, including the 17th International Venice Architecture Biennale in 2021.

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Ryan Hughes at the University of Amsterdam

I was wonderfully hosted by the University of Amsterdam, was provided with a generous space to work from and made to feel very welcome by research colleagues enabling me to participate in research group meetings and to get a real understanding for the academic and creative work being undertaken from the university.

I used a significant period of time during the secondment meeting artists, curators and funders of contemporary art across the Netherlands and have continued conversations with at least two of these artists around the possibilities of commissioning new work for exhibition in the UK.

I also visited each of the cultural partners’ venues across the Netherlands, seeing an inspiring range of exhibitions, events and public artworks as well as innovative systems designed to support artistic practice.

While visiting these spaces I was able to reflect on public infrastructure, transport, health, wellbeing and public space and observed how cycling is a pivotal feature of Dutch life. This is something that I will continue reflecting on in relation to the UK.

I have continued conversations with academics, artists, curators and funders that I met during the secondment and are planning projects, pieces of work and developing applications for activities that will take place both in the UK and in the Netherlands supporting and continuing significant international, cross-sector exchange.

Ryan Hughes

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